Monday, June 21, 2010

SMALL flare-up

RV has been on immune support for a few months. Since he was doing so well, I dropped him off of it. Needless to say he had a small flare-up over the weekend. There was no tearing or swelling, but he had a small scrape at the top of his eye. I am so in tune to his eyes that I can tell when he blinks differently! I just had a gut feeling that he was having some discomfort. My dad took a look at his eye with a flashlight and noticed that it was a little cloudier than normal, so I went ahead and treated it.

Herbs 4 Horses makes an herbal bute, but I did not have any on hand. I am using topical ointments and banamine for this time, but plan to switch to herbs in the future. He doesn't seem to be in any pain, but New Boltn was right! Dr. Utter had told me 6 months seemed to be the time between flare-ups for horses that had the implants, and it's been 5 since his last flare-up! The vet is coming out the end of this week to look at his eye to make sure it is healing and in the meantime I went ahead and ordered the immune support. He is out today and is not showing any signs of pain or discomfort. I am a little dissapointed because we were on such a winning streak, however I did expect there to be some bumps in his recovery. I am still optimistic that this will heal! When I look back I still cannot believe how far we have come together! When you put your mind to something you can really make it happen. I have given him a chance at life again, and he is healing :) Keep you posted throughout the week!


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