Monday, June 21, 2010


Many sites I had looked at were very expensive to talk to someone about RV's case, and I just couldn't afford it at this point. I was still paying off all of his medical bills from the first time he went to New Bolton.

I e-mailed Shari, who works for herbs4horses and she was very helpful. She sent me an article of herbs that could be used for uveitis, and was able to reccomend products she would use for her horses. She was not a vet, but sure knew a lot about the disease! The one thing I had read in many places was that RV needed to detox because he had been on so much medication that he had a very low immune system. After talking to Shari, I decided to try the herbs.

I started him on a kidney flush that would get rid of all the toxins in his kidney's. After flushing the kidney's, I had already noticed he was looking healthier! I then flushed his liver with milk seed thistle and got him on an eye support and cipex. The cipex is used for circulation, which is one of the things that horses with uveitis struggle with. They tend to lose a lot of circulation to their eyes, which doesn't help heal and can do damage. The eye support helps protect the eyes from inflammation, weeping, and ulcers.

I also started him on a super immune booster and vitamin b12, as b12 seems to a deficiency in horses with uveitis. I ordered RV natural wormer, since he wasn't wormed for 2 years. Worming a horse with uveitis can cause flare-ups. He also cannot get vaccinated!

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