Monday, June 21, 2010

It was getting worse!

As I said in the last blog entry, RV's flare-ups were starting to get more frequent. It would be the same old routine of calling the vet and treating it. It was really starting to interrupt RV's lifestyle, becasue he was used to being ridden and going out everyday. When he was on medication, the vet had reccomended I not ride him, as he is in a lot of pain, and the topical ointments dialate his eyes, therefore he might be spooky. He also stopped going out when it was windy or rainy, as his eyes were very sensitive during this time. I learned that when a horse has uveitis it is very important to pay attention to the weather, as stress and bad conditions can cause flare-ups.  I started to feel like RV was living in a bubble!

At this point, the uveitis was still affecting just his left eye. One day he had come in with his right eye all swollen and tearing. I immediately called the vet and he came out on an emergency call. After his exam he concluded that RV now had uveitis in his right eye. If that wasn't enough, he examined his left eye and alerted me that he had developed a cataract very quickly and was now blind. I remember crying hysterically, because by this time we had been through so much and I felt this disease was winning, and I couldn't bear to let that happen!  I did find out that uveitis can cause cataracts to form very quickly, and RV's was covering his entire eye.  RV's cataract is a yellow color, and it can be seen with a flashlight.


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