Monday, June 21, 2010

On the way to recovery

I remember thinking I had just spent 3 grand on the implants and they didn't get a chance to work before he got a bad enough flare-up that we couldn't get rid of. RV had been on so much medication over the last few years and nothing was working anymore.

Dr. Utter had informed that his implants could eventually get rid of the uveitis but I would need to give them a chance to work. At this point RV was in his stall for over a month, and both vets told me I needed to get him out and walk him around. I had a really hard time with this in the beginning, it was very upsetting for me, especially because he is my baby and I was helpless at this point. I had gone through a ton of money, and was even doing fundraisers because I couldn't pay for the bills anymore.

We did get him out of his stall, it took 3 people. My dad was leading him, my mom had a carrot to coax him out, and I was pushing and guiding him from behind. This was a terrible sight, as this was a horse who loved to be outside and here he was afraid to come out of his stall because he couldn't see!

The first day I took him out we walked around the property for an hour and he was tripping and could barely walk up hills. I felt terrible because he was always in good shape and here he was having a hard time keeping up with me! I thank god for all my friends and family who were supporting me through this. Most people told me to put him down at this point, but I refused to accept this and let this disease win, him and I were going to get through this!

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