Saturday, July 31, 2010

Back from vacation- Missed my RV

So sad to leave St. Thomas, but so happy to see my RV.  My mom took extra care of him all week while I was gone and he was fine.  I rode him yesterday for the first time in a week and he was bucking every time I asked for the canter.  We did however do flying changes yesterday, which are probably weird for him since he can't see.  He did clean ones both directions, and I just guided him with my legs.  He is such a good boy and has a heart of gold, I am so lucky to have such a trusting horse that even with little sight I can ride :)

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Leaving for Vacation

RV got a bath today! It was 100 degrees here today and it was soooo humid.  He was out till around noon and then he came in to a nice bath! Also did his eyes because it was so St. Thomas till Thursday :) Mom is on RV duty!!!!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Keeping up with his eyes!

With all the humidity we have been having, Uveitis is at its peak.  When its been a really humid day, I  put the non steroidal drops in RV's eyes.  My friend actually works as a vet tech and got me some baby droppers, which will help get the drops right into the eye without wasting so much!  Sometimes he will close just as I squeeze and none of the medicine gets into the eye.  Knock on wood, RV has been ok this last week, no major eye problems.  I rode him again last night and he was an angel-actually bucking at the canter! I could not help but laugh, he was really enjoying himself! I am leaving for St. Thomas on Sunday, but will ride and post before then!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Rode Yesterday!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Rode RV yesterday for the first time in a month or two since he had his mild flare-up and it was so hot (not to mention he needed shoes too)......however we have continued to lounge in between then. I got on him yesterday and we picked up where we left off, we had an awesome flat lesson. He just went around and did his thing, no counter bending at all! My mom was shocked to see how well he did. Hopefully, fingers crossed we can continue to get back into some work other than lounging. He loves to work and he is definetly in his element in the ring. He's not a happy horse being in his stall or just outside everyday-he likes to please. I rode for about 20 minutes, becuase he is a but out of shape and I didn't want to stress him out. Hopefully he will continue to build muscle and get back into a routine. It was so nice to see him happy last night :)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

False Alarm

Hi Everyone!

In my last post, I explained that RV had a flare-up in his left eye.  It appears it was swollen because he banged it on something.  The vet cannot see the eye, because of his cataract and shifted lense, however the swelling was down in a few hours and he is not showing any kind of pain.  Because I am paranoid, we are continuing drops for a few days. My vet said they are very safe, and would not hurt just to make sure! Phew.....

It is very humid here today and its rainy.  Keep in mind uveitis loves the heat and humidity, so keep an eye on your horses and call the vet if you see any signs of discomfort. 


Monday, July 12, 2010

Flare-up in the Left Eye!

Poor RV came in with a swollen top lid of his left eye yesterday.  I can't look in that eye because he has such a bad cataract, we just have to assume its uveitis.  This does not surprise me, as he had the flare-up in the right eye a few weeks back, uveitis will usually move to both eyes.  I am treating him with banamine and drops for now and have already seen a big difference since yesterday.  I have to work late tonight, so mom is going to put him out when she gets home and treat him for me.  Poor guy-he can't seem to catch a break!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Surviving the HOT weather

It's been 97 degrees and humid here the last week.  RV has been going out for a few hours at a time so he doesn't bake in our round pen.  He doesn't always find the water bucket out there, so we are constantly putting a bucket of water in front of his nose.  Tomorrow is supposed to be less humid, so hopefully we can lounge in the morning and turn out in the afternoon.  I have not been riding him with this hot weather since he is not in great shape.  Once it cools down, we should get back to our routine......

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

RV had a great weekend!

Hope everyone is staying cool, its been 97 degrees here the last few days!  RV had a great weekend, we lounged early in the morning to beat the heat.  His pen is fixed and he was out this morning until it got really hot! He also lounged his bad direction for the first time since he lost sight in his left eye.  He did a perfect circle and even put his head down-  I was shocked!  I think now that his sight is better in his right eye he is using it to see both directions.......was an exciting moment!

Friday, July 2, 2010

A Happy Horse!

RV has been a very happy horse this week. He got his feet trimmed on Sunday and he is a little ouchy.  Becuase of his flare-ups we were holding off getting his feet done, so they were a bit long.  I am hoping as the days go on he will get used to his feet! His pen is still not fixed, as we are waiting for our maintenance man to have time to fix it.  Its going to be 97 degrees next week, so I am hoping he can go out!  Keep you posted and until then.....Happy Riding!